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The FCT provides a lightweight framework to execute chains of algorithms, which we will refer to as workflows.

graph LR
   i1(datasource1) --> o1
   i2(datasource2) --> o3
   o1[operation 1] --> o2
   o2[operation 2] --> o3
   o1 --> o3
   o3[operation 3] --> o4
   o2 --> o4
   o4[operation 4] --> f(output)

Algorithm, Parameters and Operation

An algorithm is a simple function that processes a set of input and produces a set of output.

graph TB
    A1(datasources) --> B[Algorithm]
    A2(input datasets) --> B
    A3(parameters) --> B
    B --> C(output datasets)

If an algorithm could be any python function, the FCT framework provides a simple mechanism to define input and output by parameters that can be resolved at execution time using configuration.

We distinguish between 3 types of parameters :

Input and output datasets are basically the same thing : some output become the input to another step in the workflow. Datasources are input datasets that may reside anywhere outside the execution workspace, whereas datasets are resolved relatively to the current workspace location. One can think of datasources as primary data that need to be imported into the workspace, while datasets are first produced at some step before they are consumed by another one.

Datasources and datasets ultimately resolve to file names, and as such, they can represent anything that can be stored in a file. Algorithms are responsible for managing access to specific file formats.

In order to encourage consistent implementation of algorithms, we define Parameters and operations :

  • Parameters represent a set of named parameters specific to some algorithm

  • an operation is the realization of an algorithm, it is a function that instances a Parameters object, possibily binding concrete datasets to dataset parameters, and executes the algorithm with theses parameters.

    Operation ||--|| Parameters: instances
    Operation }|--|| Algorithm : executes
    Parameters ||--o{ DatasourceParameter: defines
    Parameters ||--o{ DatasetParameter: defines
    Parameters ||--o{ LiteralParameter: defines
    DatasourceParameter ||..|| Datasource: resolves_to
    DatasetParameter ||..|| InputOutputDataset: resolves_to
    LiteralParameter ||..|| Value: resolves_to


As an example, we could define a new FlowDirectionAlgorithm along with its Parameters class as :

from fct.config import DatasetParameter

class Parameters():
    Flow direction parameters

    elevations = DatasetParameter(
        'elevation raster (DEM)',

    flow = DatasetParameter(
        'flow direction raster',
    def __init__(self):
        Default parameter values

        self.elevations = 'dem'
        self.flow = 'flow'

def FlowDirectionAlgorithm(params: Parameters):
    Algorithm stub

Finally, we could define a new operation that uses FlowDirectionAlgorithm to process specific input and output :

def flow_direction():
    FlowDirectionAlgorithm realization

    # instances Parameters
    params = Parameters()
    params.elevations = 'other-dem'
    params.flow = 'other-flow'

    # executes algorithm