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Getting started

Platform requirements

  • Python 3.x (currently tested with Python 3.8)
  • a C/C++ compiler in order to compile Cython extensions

Install from GitHub

Clone source code from GitHub :

git clone --recursive

Create and activate a python virtual environment. We recommend not to create the python virtual environment inside the fct-cli directory. For example, you can create a pyenv directory in your home directory to store all your python virtual environments.

You can give your new virtual environment whatever name you want. For example, we use fct.

It will create a new fct directory :

mkdir pyenv
cd pyenv
python3 -m venv fct
. fct/bin/activate

From directory fct-cli, install required dependencis using pip :

python -m pip install -r requirements/fct.txt

Build extensions and install modules :

python -m pip install .

If you would like to install in developement mode (links to source code rather than copy python modules to your site-packages folder), you can use the -e flag :

python -m pip install -e .