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Polyline disaggregation


Disaggregate input polyline on inflection points and calculate bendlength, wavelength, sinuosity, amplitude, omega0 and omega1 of each disaggregated segment. Return also attributed inflexion points and inflection lines.

hydrography, sinuosity, inflection, centerline, polyline, disaggregation, longitudinal profile


In order to characterize fluvial corridors thanks to a set of metrics, it is necessary to create entities which do not necessarily have a physical reality. It is the case of the inflection line, used during a set of planimetric metrics assessment such as the streamline sinuosity or the half-amplitude of bends. The inflection line of a curve is defined as the line passing through its inflection points.

(Roux et al., 2014)


run multipart to singlepart on network
simplify network (Douglas-Peucker method) by simplify offset parameter
smooth network
run Planform Metrics algorithm


Parameter Description Type
Sequenced network
Linear features on which the inflection lines and inflection points are extracted. Can be a unique LineString or a full network. LineString or MultiLineString
Simplify offset
Threshold used to ignore small fluctuations and noise (in map unit). Default value: 10 Number
Ouput inflexion points
Ouput inflexion points
The output inflection points. Points
Output disaggregated line
Output disaggregated line
The output disaggregated line features LineString
Output inflection line
Output inflection line
The output inflection lines. LineString

See Also

Roux, C., Alber, A., Bertrand, M., Vaudor, L., and Piégay, H. (2014). “FluvialCorridor“: A new ArcGIS toolbox package for multiscale riverscape exploration. Geomorphology. URL:, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.04.018.